Club Hill Climb 2018

The club held its Hill Climb TT on Gun Hill and we had a great turn out of riders to take on the challenge. It was a chilly morning and I was glad to have a seat in Andy B’s car to warm up my hands. Of course, we soon warmed up on the steep slopes of Gun Hill.    Rob Howson claimed the win with Andy Baddeley second and the person who writes the log third. It was decided to head to Jodrell Bank for a cafe stop so we set off for Rushton Spencer and Bosley lights. Here my Raynards was affecting my hands and I could not get in to the big ring so fell way back from the group. Rob H waited for me and we set of for Gawsworth and took a back route via Withington Green before arriving at Jorell just minutes before the main group which was fun. Who got to the front of the queue? Ant A of course! The cafe was packed and we had to wait before being served so I kept everyone entertained with my white, cold fingers. Much to Dave M’s disgust, there was no Beans On Toast so he had to settle for cake. It was good to see Phil and Amanda came with us to the cafe as well as Phil G.
Ant A set off on his own as we were still chatting and eating before we sett off back via Gawswoth and Bosley Lights and Rushton Spencer. Here I turned off for home so am unable to record who won the sprint to Leek or how many miles the ride was but if you turn up with a large bar of Swiss chocolate with my name on it then its yours! Also a big thank you to Ruth & John, Andy Bain. Phil Gayes and George for all their help with the TT.
Nick A
         Results                                (all riders Leek CC unless stated otherwise) 
1) Rob Howson 5:50
2) Andy Baddeley 6:25
3) Nick Avins 6:50
4) Rich Whalley 6:54
5) Adrian Derbyshire 7:42
6) John Hurst 7:43
7) Shaun Merrick 7:54
=8) Dave Magnier and Dan Noble 8:17
10) Rob Harp 8:31
11) Lee Wood (Congleton CC) 8:35
12) Steve Sladin (Congleton CC) 8:45
                                                              Rob Howson
                                                             Dave Magnier
                                Everyone at the top of Gun Hill after the Hill Climb
All photos courtsey of club rider Stephen Briggs
Also courtsey of Congleton CC member Adrian Pennington, we have a great video of Sundays event, click on the video to take a look.