2024 final ride

So much for a zero rain forecast, but 6, 9am ers turned up for a hilly 30 ish miles. Paths crossing with the 8 o clockers at Allgreave. The last ride for 2024. Meerbrook, Gun, Wincle, Allgreave, Flash, Longnor, Sheen, Warslow, Elkstone, Coffee Beans Leek.

Monyash/Edensor (Sean/Phil)

A large group gathered in the Market place to watch Mr Daly inspect the blocked paving more closely. A very comical moment for the traders to, as I couldn’t get from under the bike. Dave Mag lent a hand.
After the laughter abated we set off fir Monyash via Mini Thorncliffe, Longnor, Glutton Bridge, where 4 continued onwards for a further distance. The rest continued on to the Smithy. Food and coffee consumed and a little warmer, we ventured back out where we soon realised it was going to be a headwind back via Hartington, Hulme End, Reaps Moor, Mermaid, Thorncliffe and back into Leek.
Good ride, Ho ho ho

Quite a large gathering in the market place for this mornings rides, with a general direction of monyash and chatsworth being mentioned.
The groups stayed together til glutton bridge, where the b team headed off for earl sterndale, hurdlow and monyash, while the keener riders carried on to Brierlow Bar, before heading through chelmorton, and Taddington, and the descent down the a6 to ashford.
Climbing off the main road, we skirted the Bakewell bookshop, and across to chatsworth, where we headed for the Edensor cafe.
Turned out it was rather busy, so we grabbed a table outside. Quick service brought our coffees and butties, so we weren’t out waiting for too long, before heading back on our way to Rowsley, then Alport and Youlgreave, where we began to feel the “benefits” of the negative tailwind all the way home.
Over long rake to parsley hay, and then to avoid retracing over our way out, we decided Hartington was our favoured route home, and over the tops after warslow and thorncliffe.
A nice steady 🤔 50 something miles and quite a bit of elevation gain.

Christmas meal

The Leek CC Christmas meal will be held this year at The Napoli restaurant in Leek. Friday 15th December from 6:30pm. Thanks to everyone who has provided a deposit. Get in contact with Dan Noble () if you want more information.The menu is 

here. If you’re attending, please let Dan know your pre-order.We’ll be out to the local pubs after for a drink and a laugh. 

Snowdrop 23rd Oct 2023

A bit of a rude awakening on opening the back door, greeted with a cool three degrees. After getting over the initial temptation to give it a miss, I promptly did the usual bike checks and headed to the butter cross. I was the first one to appear but the gathering soon started to assemble, good turn out and quite quickly down to business with the destination and route options, the Mad man from Madeley throws his hat into the ring. OMG closing the back door suddenly seems like a missed opportunity. All is not lost, a grande long standing well respected member speaks up…the Mag. All is not lost I’m thinking..the route starts to unfold. Gun, Wincle and Wildboarclough. Mouth wide open.

Then voices of reason pipe up. Flat Cheshire and the Snowdrops. Music to my ears, Rog and Coats make my day.
So the three amigos set off looking for plenty of white lines. Nice and steady run down the thrash route without unnecessary pace to die for.
Arrive at Snowdrops in a timely manner and bump into Steve and Gav.
Tea, coffee and snapping are duly consumed and three turn into five.
Off we set on the return voyage, usual route down the A50 and turn right at the former Whipping stocks. Pleasant pace heading towards Redesmere Lake, roads not too bad considering the last few days of downpour. All going well, reasonably grouped together. We descend down the aptly named dark Lane, we hit the bottom and start the assent as the steepness intensifies Steve just in front of me adds a little power and stands up, the chain couldn’t cope with the excess power and enthusiasm then lets go, unfortunately resulting in an off for Steve, I narrowly manage to avoid the disaster and carry on to a safe spot up the hill. We all assemble at a gate hole and Coats promptly muscles in gloves off and straight down to repairs. He fails but Steve rescues himself. Off we set towards The former Fools Nook, all good but we hit the main road and as per usual it begins to fragment, I assume the rear guard position, the miles have taken their toll by this time. Regroup at the Lake view and a civilized run back to Leek….

Pandemic Achievements

With the world in the grips of a pandemic and despite the UK being in the mist of a lockdown, club member Ian Peacock continued to keep in shape.

For the brief period of eased rules, Ian clipped in and took to the tarmac.

Sunday 26th July

Ian entered the Veterans 50mile TT championship in what was reported to be the windest day on the A46 Fosse Way since the Roman occupation. However, still recording a valiant effort of 2:06:58

Saturday 5th September
Ian entered the BDCA 100 mile time trial, completing the course in 4:11:11, which is believed to be a club record; the previous best being Russell Mycock’s 4:17:58.

Ian described the experience as: ” I was, as usual supported by my crew (Valerie). On Sunday morning I awoke aware that It would be some time before most of me would be functioning adequately. However, once I had recovered enough to have my shortcomings drawn to my attention, Valerie spoke thus: “It’s a pity that you can’t wear yourself out doing something useful” “

Sunday 23rd August

Ian remarkably covered 216.73 miles in the national 12 hour time trial in Shropshire. Ian commented; “the weather was foul, and the rearranged course was a bit on the lumpy side. I was ably supported by my crew (Valerie). Incredibly, I finished in the same time as the winner!”

Saturday 17th October

Ian rode the veterans’ national “25” champs, on the A46 Fosse Way and completed the course in 58:56. Feeling pretty please with himself; that gives him a full set of results this year, having done a 10, 25, 50, 100, and 12hour.

Well done Ian, great effort in difficult times

Hill Climb 2020

We have decided after some discussion that it will be feasible to run the Hill Climb this year with suitable precautions.

Event information – Sunday 18th October on the usual Gun Hill Course at 10:00am, parking at Meerbrook Village Hall.

To be able to run the event safely we have decided on the following changes to the usual format:

• Entry will be electronic and in advance only – there will be no entries on the day, so no cash has to exchange hands. Entries will open on Sunday 11th and close on Friday 16th – we will provide bank details for direct transfer of the £3 entry fee.

• Competitors will be allocated a “virtual” number – the usual physical numbers will not be used.

• The timekeeper and an assistant will be at the start, but there will be no pusher-off. Competitors will have to clip in once “Go” is called.

Could anyone who is interested in entering please PM via Facebook, or reply to the e-mail (), so we can have an idea of numbers. (it will be limited to 20)

Please note

• Competitors must maintain the appropriate social distancing at all times.

• We will not be giving the results out at the finish, but will post them as soon as possible. So at the finish, please ride off as soon as you are able to.

Club Run – Sunday 6th September 2020

The B group set out for Monnyash via Glutton Bridge and returned via Hartington. The other group of six riders set out for Cannock from Cheddleton, stopping in Cheadle to meet Andy and Jo.

We rode on through Tean and met Neil W out for a ride. We passed through Church Leigh and on to Shugbrough where a stop was made for a picture on the bridge over the river Trent. This caused a pile up with passing cyclists and walkers so we moved on. Andy took us over some new roads across the Chase and we were soon arriving at the visitor centre for much needed coffee, cakes and a variety of filled rolls.

We headed back via  Rugley and Hixon but much to our surprise, we rode away from Kingstone and went along more new roads to get back via Hollington and Kinglsey. Here, Dave, Rich and Chris left us as we carried on to Oakamoor and Car bank which finished off our tired legs although it may have been a PB for Joe?

Many thanks to Andy Mag for planning a new and varied route and for putting up with our questioning of his navigation skills.

Nick P  

Club – Run Sunday 9th August

Six riders set out for Carsington via Bottom House, Ipstones edge, Ellastone  and Snelson.  We rode on through Bradley and on past the dam where the competitive spirit took over as tradition dictates so Ant, Rodger and I put up a good pace.

The group arrived and we were a little confused over the new rules for Covid 19 as we had to go downstairs for our orders where face coverings were required. Ant A making use of his club Gillet which caused much amusement, we sat outside and hung on to the cups and food as it was quite a breeze blowing .

After treatment for hypothermia we set off back via Brassington and Bradbourne before tackling the climb to Tissington. Thorpe was gridlocked with day trippers but we had a nice American lady warning us to be careful as it was crazy back there which was nice. It was decided to head up to Whetton and down along the Manifold track to Butterton where I turned off to head back home while the group carried on via Hulme End and Warslow. Thanks to Ant A for leading a tough, 45 mile ride (my estimate) So good to be back out with some club members after months of riding alone.

Nick Prince 

Covid-19 Update

As of 24th March, Leek Cyclists Club officially communicated that we will no longer host any events, club runs or social gatherings of any kind. These measures were taken in line with government rules for social distancing as a result of what is now described as the Covid-19 Global Pandemic.

We are now into week 6 of social distance lock down, possibly the longest period the club has gone without social rides or events since the War. As a club we have complied with government rules impeccably; a credit to you all.

The steep incline in UK cases of Covid-19 is now flattening and there are even whispers that the strict social distancing rules may, be eased back during the coming weeks. It is temping at this point to flout the rules as we begin to see a way forward. However, it is more important than ever that we continue to follow the government’s advise of riding solo or with people from the same household only. Thus protecting not just our clubs’ image but that of the cycling community as a whole.

‘Stay Safe!’ fellow enthusiasts and we’ll meet again very soon.

Jamie J

A poem written by Daniel White, submitted by club blog writer Nick Prince

” I’m on this cycle path
It’s an elliptical course.
I’m going around in circles.
But there are the odd curve balls.
And I’m on this journey.
Trying to find myself.
And it doesn’t really hurt me.
That I’m all by myself.
Because I’m on a cycle path.
In a velodrome of cheers.
In my head they cheer me on.
This circuit has taken nearly 45 years.
I won’t ever give up.
But I know my body will give way.
So if you follow behind.
Stay in the slipstream.
The journey and life I lay before you.
Means everything to me.
Follow on my path.
Don’t ever deviate.
Not even when it’s lonely.
And you are full of self-hate.
Don’t let doubts drive the wheels.
You could never cycle in any meaningful way.
Let your passion be the answer.
I tagged you.
You know the path, you’re on.
As you start to move forward.
It gets easier everyday.”

by Daniel White