Hill Climb 2020

We have decided after some discussion that it will be feasible to run the Hill Climb this year with suitable precautions.

Event information – Sunday 18th October on the usual Gun Hill Course at 10:00am, parking at Meerbrook Village Hall.

To be able to run the event safely we have decided on the following changes to the usual format:

• Entry will be electronic and in advance only – there will be no entries on the day, so no cash has to exchange hands. Entries will open on Sunday 11th and close on Friday 16th – we will provide bank details for direct transfer of the £3 entry fee.

• Competitors will be allocated a “virtual” number – the usual physical numbers will not be used.

• The timekeeper and an assistant will be at the start, but there will be no pusher-off. Competitors will have to clip in once “Go” is called.

Could anyone who is interested in entering please PM via Facebook, or reply to the e-mail (), so we can have an idea of numbers. (it will be limited to 20)

Please note

• Competitors must maintain the appropriate social distancing at all times.

• We will not be giving the results out at the finish, but will post them as soon as possible. So at the finish, please ride off as soon as you are able to.

Club Run – Sunday 6th September 2020

The B group set out for Monnyash via Glutton Bridge and returned via Hartington. The other group of six riders set out for Cannock from Cheddleton, stopping in Cheadle to meet Andy and Jo.

We rode on through Tean and met Neil W out for a ride. We passed through Church Leigh and on to Shugbrough where a stop was made for a picture on the bridge over the river Trent. This caused a pile up with passing cyclists and walkers so we moved on. Andy took us over some new roads across the Chase and we were soon arriving at the visitor centre for much needed coffee, cakes and a variety of filled rolls.

We headed back via  Rugley and Hixon but much to our surprise, we rode away from Kingstone and went along more new roads to get back via Hollington and Kinglsey. Here, Dave, Rich and Chris left us as we carried on to Oakamoor and Car bank which finished off our tired legs although it may have been a PB for Joe?

Many thanks to Andy Mag for planning a new and varied route and for putting up with our questioning of his navigation skills.

Nick P  

Club – Run Sunday 9th August

Six riders set out for Carsington via Bottom House, Ipstones edge, Ellastone  and Snelson.  We rode on through Bradley and on past the dam where the competitive spirit took over as tradition dictates so Ant, Rodger and I put up a good pace.

The group arrived and we were a little confused over the new rules for Covid 19 as we had to go downstairs for our orders where face coverings were required. Ant A making use of his club Gillet which caused much amusement, we sat outside and hung on to the cups and food as it was quite a breeze blowing .

After treatment for hypothermia we set off back via Brassington and Bradbourne before tackling the climb to Tissington. Thorpe was gridlocked with day trippers but we had a nice American lady warning us to be careful as it was crazy back there which was nice. It was decided to head up to Whetton and down along the Manifold track to Butterton where I turned off to head back home while the group carried on via Hulme End and Warslow. Thanks to Ant A for leading a tough, 45 mile ride (my estimate) So good to be back out with some club members after months of riding alone.

Nick Prince 

Covid-19 Update

As of 24th March, Leek Cyclists Club officially communicated that we will no longer host any events, club runs or social gatherings of any kind. These measures were taken in line with government rules for social distancing as a result of what is now described as the Covid-19 Global Pandemic.

We are now into week 6 of social distance lock down, possibly the longest period the club has gone without social rides or events since the War. As a club we have complied with government rules impeccably; a credit to you all.

The steep incline in UK cases of Covid-19 is now flattening and there are even whispers that the strict social distancing rules may, be eased back during the coming weeks. It is temping at this point to flout the rules as we begin to see a way forward. However, it is more important than ever that we continue to follow the government’s advise of riding solo or with people from the same household only. Thus protecting not just our clubs’ image but that of the cycling community as a whole.

‘Stay Safe!’ fellow enthusiasts and we’ll meet again very soon.

Jamie J

A poem written by Daniel White, submitted by club blog writer Nick Prince

” I’m on this cycle path
It’s an elliptical course.
I’m going around in circles.
But there are the odd curve balls.
And I’m on this journey.
Trying to find myself.
And it doesn’t really hurt me.
That I’m all by myself.
Because I’m on a cycle path.
In a velodrome of cheers.
In my head they cheer me on.
This circuit has taken nearly 45 years.
I won’t ever give up.
But I know my body will give way.
So if you follow behind.
Stay in the slipstream.
The journey and life I lay before you.
Means everything to me.
Follow on my path.
Don’t ever deviate.
Not even when it’s lonely.
And you are full of self-hate.
Don’t let doubts drive the wheels.
You could never cycle in any meaningful way.
Let your passion be the answer.
I tagged you.
You know the path, you’re on.
As you start to move forward.
It gets easier everyday.”

by Daniel White

Paul Derbyshire Memorial, Hilly Reliability 2020

Sunday 15th March

After a couple of unfortunate years where our ever popular annual Reliability Ride was cancelled. This year, mother natures kindness granted us better(not great!!) weather and so the event took place as scheduled.

As always the ride was well attended by not just our own Club riders, but also a number of guest riders, some of which renowned locally for there competitive achievements. And not forgetting our very own Jordan Hill who we wish the very best of luck to as he takes on a new and exciting challenge – racing in Belgium. Best of luck mate!!

Nick’s fantastic and ever present log;

For the first time in two years, the Reliability was not called off due to snow so we had a good turn out of thirty two riders at a rough count. Could be more but I have Dyscalculia so take no notice.

We set out in groups down St Edward street, but here Shaun “Straight On Merrick” ignored the day-glow direction sign and went up Compton while we carried on along Ashbourne Rd, onto Bradnop to tackle the first tough climb of the day. A few riders had technical issues and I was told Rich C pulled out here.

We dropped in to the Manifold Valley where Shaun M had a puncture so I stopped to help and deflect comments from passing riders. He was soon back on the bike and we were able to catch up with the other riders along Mill Dale. Here we had a nice surprise as the mighty “Two Sauces Simcock” was out in his car to wave us on and take pictures, good to see you Phil.

Carrying on into Parwich and the long climb to Longcliffe, concluding the section with a fast decent in to Youlgreave before the climb toward Moneyash. I caught up with Helen M and Garath so we stuck together for the rest of the route in to Longdale, Crowdecote, Longnor before the final climb to Mooridge.

I pulled off and headed home while the other riders returned to Thornclife and Leek after a tough, fifty two mile ride. Thanks to Phil G for his hard work putting out the signs and setting up the event.

Nick Prince

Club Run – Sunday 8th March 2020

Twenty one riders turned out after buying up the entire local supply of toilet rolls, judging by the empty shelves due to panic over Covid 19. The B group set out for Goestry while the A group set out for Bollington via Abbey Green and Gun Hill which warmed us all up. We dropped in to Wildbourclough and up to the Cat and Fiddle Road before taking on the tricky descent past Lamaload. A choice was given between the less steep climb or Pyms Chair but we all chose the hard way. KOM, your humble narrator and QOM was Helen M who being the sole female rider may have no competition but it was International Woman’s Day after all.

We had a brief recovery stop which was much needed before dropping down in to Bollington where we were sandblasted by icy rain which was painful. We soon arrived at a new cafe, Farm Made and were soon enjoying the delights of coffee, cake and beans on toast. It was a little noisy for a Autistic rider so I had my ears covered at times, you yackity yaks!

We returned by Prestbury and Macclesfield where myself and Helen had a strange encounter with a Jaguar who passed close by and then stopped dead before blasting off with a roar of exhaust? We headed though Broken Cross and in to Gawsworth where it was decided to have a fast pace ride back so myself and Helen rode back alone as the rigours of Pyms Chair and making riders look good in the log proved too much for me to keep up. We rode on past Bosley Lights and in to Rushton Spencer where I turned off for sunny Biddulph.

Thanks to Dave M for leading the ride and for finding a good cafe.

Nick P

Ps, I may have written a email to the I newspaper and invited Janet Street Porter along on a club ride so sorry about that! 

Club Run – Sunday 1st March 2020

Nineteen riders turned out for the dry weather, the A group went to Whitmoore at a average of 17mph according to ride leader, Rich C. This struck me with fear after a fortnight on the turbo and the rollers and a recent visit to London, leaving me feeling unfit and unable to keep up so not for me!   

The B group led by Andy B went to Whetton via Buxton Road, up the main climb to Morridge, dropping in to Warslow and Hulme End before climbing out to Whetton. We were soon enjoying coffee and cakes and the usual bacon rolls.

We returned home via the Mainfold Valley and Grindon before dropping in to Onccote and climbing up to Morridge where the group headed back to Thornclife and Buxton Road while I carried on along Morridge.

Thanks to Andy B for leading the ride and to Rich C.

Nick P

Club Run – Sunday 23rd Feb 2020

The main group set out for a ride and rode in to Ashbourne but due to the widespread flooding, there were several route changes which took them to Sudbury and back. It was a long, 75 mile ride according to Tony. A short log but I was away enjoying the delights of London.

Nick P

Club Run – Sunday 8th Feb 2020

Storm Ciara has arrived in Leek!!

Rob Howson and a small group rode out to a posh cafe in Wilmslow. Not sure what this title denotes but I guess they will turn you away if you earn less than 30k a year! This was due to the storm winds forecast for Sunday which going out on a bike would be unsafe. Dave M was planning a ride to Tatton but I am unaware if this took place. I was told that Andy B’s group was planning a ten am Sunday ride but again am unsure if this will take place given the weather warnings issued. Strap your roof down, the car down and get on the turbo is my advice.

Nick P